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                        Upcoming Events

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Reservations required: Contact Carole Smith

• Email: UserC2000@icloud  • Text or phone: 303-818-5248

April 1  3:00-5:00 pm

April Fools Day Happy Hour w/CC Storytellers

Enjoy stories & refreshments: Only $10

May 13   11:00 am

Tea & Tour of Cherokee Castle & Ranch

Led by RECCS member

RSVP/ASAP: $65 pp [It's really worth it!)

Share your "CCSD Memories" with RECCS colleagues

Any Day Anytime (before retirement)

Send your recollections to Carole Smith

$AVE (50% OFF)      Open RECCS U Page at Top: Special "2 for 1" Offer

Tuesday, March 8th  2:00-4:00 pm @ Fremont Building (NOT Zoom)

SPY LASSES: Intriguing Stories of Female Spies in America’s Wars

Sheryl Hutchings - espionage expert; retired high school teacher in CCSD & DPS

Wednesday, March 23rd  1:00-3:00 pm @ Fremont Building

                  NOTE: Rescheduled from Feb. 2nd SNOW DAY

CURLING: How it works & the history of the sport

Karen Bronson - DCC curler & retired CCSD P.E. teacher

Thursday, March 24th  9:30-11:30 am @ Fremont Building (not Zoom)

PURPOSEFUL TRAVEL: Seize the moment for post-pandemic travels

Bruce Caughey - Travel author, retired educator & previous RECCS U travel presenter, twice

> > > Visit RECCS U page (above) for details & to register < < < 

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